Me to We


me_to_we_logoMe to We is a social enterprise founded by two brothers, Craig and Marc Keilburger, which provides youth with leadership, social, and environmental conscious experiences. They include numerous volunteer trips, workshops, and of course, We Day! Their business model is to “transform consumers into socially conscious world changers, one transaction at a time” and provide developing countries with clean water, planting trees, building schools, and many more.

Two years ago, I got the chance to experience We Day first hand. I remember I sat front row and seeing the sweat of the guest speakers on stage. Hearing successful stories of humanitarians and philanthropists was extremely inspiring and it encouraged me to make a difference, starting within my community. I think We Day is a great event to promote to the youth Me to We’s mandate of social responsibility. Reaching out to the youth will make a significant impact on future generations of businesses and other social enterprises or charities.

we day

Hopefully, we’ll see many more social entrepreneurs emerge with different visions of decreasing the unemployment rate, increasing education, and providing clean water worldwide and shelter. Sometimes, having the largest bank statement isn’t always the most profitable; making a positive change in the world may be much more rewarding.

As Professor Gateman says, “go out there and make a difference.”



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