Should Companies Label Genetically Modified Foods?

Around the U.S and Canada supermarkets are stocking up on genetically modified foods, and the shoppers are not even aware of it. This is due to the food companies’ hard lobbying against any  law that would require them to label their GM products, and thus set themselves apart from their traditional counterparts. The problem with genetically modified foods is that we aren’t exactly sure about the health and environmental consequences they can produce. Consuming GM products might be a risk, and it is only fair that consumers have  knowledge about the implications of eating them so they can formulate an informed decision to whether they should take the risk and buy them or not. Without labels, consumers are in the dark about what goes into their mouths, and I believe it is part of corporative ethical obligation to label their product for what it really is. Food companies should tend to the health and opinion of their customers and more that half would want a choice. According to a survey 53% of Americans would not eat GM foods, but unbeknown to them, they might already be eating them. Is this ethical? I don’t think so.

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