Strategy: Wendy’s Big Move

In today’s ever growing fast food market place the task of setting your company apart from the rest of the field is becoming more and more difficult. Wendy’s plans to expand its market range through their brand re-imaging. The most prominent part of this new strategy is the logo change which sees the quarter-century old emblem updated with a more modern interpretation of the iconic girl with red pigtails (old and new logo pictured below). However that is not the only adjustment coming to Wendy’s ; employees can expect to be dressed in a more “casual” styled uniform and new health conscious products will be introduced. This strongly suggests they are trying to move away from the typical fast food joint on the perceptual map dimension of environment.

Wendy's Logo

While undoubtedly the company has put a lot thought and research to this new look they are promoting one still wonders what, if any, impact it will have. In my opinion Wendy’s has been around too long and has been too big for consumers to all of sudden reposition Wendy’s as a healthy and friendly restaurant when most think of it as guilty pleasure fast food. It sounds to me that Wendy’s is trying to be something its not.

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