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Archive for October, 2010

As consumers are now utilizing the benefits of internet access, which is inexpensively connecting them to other parts of the world, it is no doubt that services of Netflix will overpower the obsolete ways of renting videos – which is to go directly to the store, aka Blockbuster. In a recent 24 hours article, it […]

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In the Vancouver Sun today, it recommends that the online networking sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, and other blog sites have currently become the main influences to consumers in the market. Back then, the marketing strategy for companies was to aim specifically to those whom they think can have the certain power to influence other […]

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A company in the name of Groupon is offering $60,000 for any couple who has met on a date through their service and decided to start a family. Quite frankly, my first reaction to the reality of this news article was somewhere along the lines of disgusted and horror. I realize that not everyone has […]

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