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Archive for November, 2010

In Friday’s The Globe and Mail, there was an article, “Generation Text sends wrong message”, discussing how young adults entering the workforce are having difficulties with communicating with their co-workers because of their reckless practices of texting and instant messaging with their friends. Being one myself, I also agree that most of the others my […]

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Last year, I was part of the organizing committee of the first ever miniEnterprize. Today, on a rainy Saturday morning, I drove up to UBC to support the miniEnterprize Committee of 2010 with their entrepreneurship conference. Though I had to leave early, I must admit that they have done an excellent job with organizing the […]

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Similar to what we have discussed in class, I have come across an article in The Globe And Mail, titled “Why aren’t you advertising online?”. The author, Steiner, explains the benefits of marketing on the internet to refrain from paying the high costs set in other advertising techniques, such as the archaic way of printing […]

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To supplement my Twitter response to why small business fail: I have found another compelling explanation by a recent article in The Globe & Mail. “‘Misleading’ wireless ads land Rogers in hot water” explains how Rogers Communications Inc. has been brought to negative attention in the domestic wireless industry because of his “misleading advertising”. Apparently, […]

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I consider Rachael Ray to be a successful entrepreneur in today’s standards. Ever since emerging as a culinary chef on the food network, she has made a name for herself by hosting her own talk shows and being the authors of well-received cookbooks. Her energy and enthusiasm to connect with her fans have helped her […]

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