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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

An Arm to Depend On

Referring back to Paco Lee’s first marketing blog post, I am reminded of a particular product that had first left me with question marks and the word “Really…?” in my head. There is simply no limit to creativity. That is why some obnoxious ideas have so successfully excelled in the market, earning increasingly more profits […]

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Chips. Who doesn’t love reaching into the bag and pulling out a nice big salty potato chip to crunch-crunch in your mouth? (But personally for myself, I have this habit of crushing the bag before actually tearing open the top so the chips inside will become smaller and more evenly seasoned, but that’s another story.) […]

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On a Thanksgiving holiday, I find myself at Richmond Centre, shopping around when I knew I should at home studying for my upcoming midterms. One of the stores that I entered was Bath and Body Works. Although I usually head straight to the corner to smell those scent candles for my own enjoyment, I am […]

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Just around a decade ago, it was when make-up counters were commonly visited as they seem to be the only reliable source for answering the where and how questions for beauty products. Nowadays, young adults are seen posting up daily blog digests and weekly youtube videos, presenting their own opinions about the products they have […]

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By attending every comm299 and tutorial classes, I believe I have gained a better knowledge about myself than those who have skipped class and went back home to sleep. The one assignment that has benefited me the most was quite frankly the interview. It shows what I still needed to work on in regards to […]

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There is no doubt that we are all excited for summer. Flip-flops, tanktops; t-shirts, short skirts; What could be more spectacular than not having to go to UBC and solving our way through the maze of puddles on the ground? Anyways, that is not what I am intending to discuss throughout the rest of this […]

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Click here for link on a short documentary on the Khan Academy A couple days ago, I was clueless about what taylor polynomials are. After coming across a youtube video posted by a user in the name of khanacademy, not only were his teaching techniques effective, but I also became interested to find out who […]

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TheFreeDictionary.com dil·ly-dal·ly (dl-dl) intr.v. dil·ly-dal·lied, dil·ly-dal·lying, dil·ly-dal·lies To waste time, especially in indecision; dawdle or vacillate. On Commercial Drive right here in Vancouver, don’t be surprised to find a new toy store in the name of Dilly Dally. It is owned by two successful entrepreneurs, Claire Hutchings and Tyler Quantz, who have inspired an interest […]

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In Friday’s The Globe and Mail, there was an article, “Generation Text sends wrong message”, discussing how young adults entering the workforce are having difficulties with communicating with their co-workers because of their reckless practices of texting and instant messaging with their friends. Being one myself, I also agree that most of the others my […]

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Last year, I was part of the organizing committee of the first ever miniEnterprize. Today, on a rainy Saturday morning, I drove up to UBC to support the miniEnterprize Committee of 2010 with their entrepreneurship conference. Though I had to leave early, I must admit that they have done an excellent job with organizing the […]

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