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Similar to what we have discussed in class, I have come across an article in The Globe And Mail, titled “Why aren’t you advertising online?”. The author, Steiner, explains the benefits of marketing on the internet to refrain from paying the high costs set in other advertising techniques, such as the archaic way of printing ads or distributing flyers that would ultimately be found scattered on the wet pavement sidewalk.

So first, he explains how Google search works. The number of clicks equate the amount of costs needed to pay back to Google. However, this may not determine a effective way to reach a specific consumer market, as random internet explorers may be just curious about a company’s particular name by clicking on the link and just be done with that.

On the other hand, social media networking websites – which of course includes the highly popular Facebook and Twitter – are becoming the common trend to advertise. Any particular account could be made, whether it be for a family member, a pet, or a business. Though Steiner admits that this does not hinder friends or angry customers from negative complaints about your company, “the benefit of doing this outweighs the cost, because people are going to trash your business with disposable income have a Facebook account.

Word Count: 265 words

Rogers Bashes Itself..

To supplement my Twitter response to why small business fail: I have found another compelling explanation by a recent article in The Globe & Mail.

“‘Misleading’ wireless ads land Rogers in hot water” explains how Rogers Communications Inc. has been brought to negative attention in the domestic wireless industry because of his “misleading advertising”. Apparently, its advertisements suggest the criticism of new competitors into the industry. These include entrants such as Wind Mobile, Mobilicity, and Public Mobile.

As Rogers become an increasingly popular wireless company for phones, television, and the internet, common households have already accustomed to depending on and trusting their favorite respective providers for these services. Such then, with Rogers boasting the fact that its service has “fewer dropped calls than new wireless carriers,” not only will the public believe in what it says, but it will also cause a detrimental effect on the emerging competitors in the playing field.

Though Rogers is currently going under the inspection of whether or not to be penalized for its misconduct, this does not reduce or resolve the harm put onto smaller and less significant companies. Therefore, the determination and “luckiness” that new entrepreneurs will need to possess determine the fate of their companies in the harsh world in business.

Word Count: 209

I consider Rachael Ray to be a successful entrepreneur in today’s standards. Ever since emerging as a culinary chef on the food network, she has made a name for herself by hosting her own talk shows and being the authors of well-received cookbooks. Her energy and enthusiasm to connect with her fans have helped her succeed in the successive steps in her career and to overcome the risks that may come along with them.

Not only is she constantly receiving standing ovations from her increasing number of fans, she is continuously creating new recipes (or products) for her viewers. She introduces new production methods by emphasizing the ideas of convenience and practicality. She is driven to succeed by her venture and interest towards new markets, which is demonstrated by her willingness to invite different generations of our society to her talk show program. She remains fascinated by the interests of different age groups, including make-up techniques and home furniture design. Her organization, consisted of many various departments, change in response to her most recent project; dog treats by Rachael Ray Nutrish. These profits are for the benefit of society, as they are proceeds to the Rachael Rescue organization.

Word Count: 197 words

Information source: own knowledge by being a viewer of her show!
Image source: http://www.nickcannon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/rachael-ray-show.jpg

As consumers are now utilizing the benefits of internet access, which is inexpensively connecting them to other parts of the world, it is no doubt that services of Netflix will overpower the obsolete ways of renting videos – which is to go directly to the store, aka Blockbuster. In a recent 24 hours article, it describes the novel features of Netflix,which has recently made its Canadian debut not too long ago. For a cheap price of$7.99 per month, one can watch infinite movies with high-speed Internet connections through any device possible: the Apple products, your home television set, or even the youngsters’ XBox 360. Despite the attractiveness of Netflix, however, there is a catch: everything in its catalog are mostly second-run movies and shows, and thus a rarity of anything new, which is what most people would be craving to watch in the short run. So regarding Blockbusters’ tight competitors with Netflix and Redbox, they really do have differences between what their services have to offer. I find that although Blockbuster is trying quite hard to accommodate the needs of its customers by providing a variety of services to promote convenience, it may still have the prospect of obtaining a desirable future because of its persistence. But for now, as the news columnist suggests, we can depend on Netflix as it is “like fast food, it’s very cheap, extremely convenient, and filling. More or less.”

In the Vancouver Sun today, it recommends that the online networking sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, and other blog sites have currently become the main influences to consumers in the market. Back then, the marketing strategy for companies was to aim specifically to those whom they think can have the certain power to influence other people. But nowadays, it has been revealed that “Nobodies are the new somebodies”.

What exactly does this mean? For instance, whenever you find yourself surfing the web, you may probably come across an interesting topic or an idea randomly suggested by an unknown stranger on the internet. You find his opinion absolutely intriguing, and decide to tell all your friends about it, via Facebook status updates, or tweets on your Twitter account. From that moment on, the people from your social network are also aware of this innovative idea and the effect continues on…

So the most random “mommy blogger” at home could be the one person making the company’s product successful in the market. Today, many spend prolonged hours on the web, whether they may be working or chatting with their friends. By exposing themselves in this area of technology, companies have a better chance at having their products known for their consumers to share among their friends and family.

Reference: http://www.vancouversun.com/business/technology/Consumers+today+more+likely+influenced+Twitter+blogs/3594694/story.html

The value of $60,000

A company in the name of Groupon is offering $60,000 for any couple who has met on a date through their service and decided to start a family.

Quite frankly, my first reaction to the reality of this news article was somewhere along the lines of disgusted and horror. I realize that not everyone has money set first in their priority list, but we must not forget the fact that there are still many that do. Especially for ones who are desperate to earn some money in the quickest and most efficient way possible, they can easily get away with potentially “earning” this free cash by pretending that they are in love with the woman/man they have just met out of pure randomness.

As discussed in class, our society is attracted to human ethics and supporting RIGHT and opposing WRONG. For example, The Body Shop is preferred by many consumers of soap and lotion products because of their awareness of animal rights and the environment.

So what about Groupon? I’m sure that a majority of the readers of this article will have a similar opinion to this company’s objective. If I were the child of a couple who has conceived because their eyes were on the money, I would be devastated.

For any couple who objects to this accusation, like they were really in love for example, why join Groupon and not any other dating service site that do not offer money for desirable results?

Reference: http://lifeinc.todayshow.com/_news/2010/09/29/5203123-groupon-date-baby-60000

Truth: McDonalds seems to be promoting healthier food on their menu.
False: McDonalds is actually turning ways to promoting healthier food.
In my COMM101 class, we talked about how customers around the world have different tastes and preferences because of their own distinctive cultures, hence their own respective menus despite it being the same restaurant. I decided to look into this idea a bit further as I concentrated on the globally-known McDonalds. I find that the Canadian franchises here are promoting their “chicken salad” or their “chicken snack wrap” quite a bit as if they suddenly made a 180 degrees turn to focus on healthier food on their menu. However, I think this is merely a sneaky strategy to temporarily satisfy and keep their customers from turning away to other similar fast food restaurants, like Burger King or Dairy Queen, which actually do offer food that is roughly the same and perhaps maybe a bit healthier. From news back in 2005, the company was talking about labelling all their food products on the wrappers just to notify their customers on how much fat, calories, and nutrition they are about to intake. To me, I would expect anything that comes out of a fast food restaurant to be extremely unhealthy in the first place. So why bother the nutritional information and their “considerate” efforts? The information would just deter anyone from eating the food anyways. Moreover, Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, had agreed that “McDonald’s new initiative did not go far enough and would ultimately have little impact on consumer health.” Instead, he suggested that McDonalds should be “having it on the menu board, [so that] a lot of people to switch to a smaller order of fries, a diet soda, or a regular hamburger instead of a cheeseburger.” Quite frankly, I have yet to notice any difference on the packaging or on the bright colourful menu inside the restaurants, and it is almost 2011, six years later from the revealing of their plan. So instead, alike many other customers, I am already unwrapping the paper to bite into my hot juicy Big Mac burger.

Reference: http://www.frankwbaker.com/mcdonalds_food_labeling.htm

The citizens are now indubitably enraged at our supposed leader, Gordon Campbell. Though many of us are doubtful of his claim that he had no intention of implementing the tax during the election, some are now already considering a subsequent issue. As Carole James declares, “British Columbians should receive a tax refund if a referendum goes against the harmonized sales tax,” is it actually ethical to go back and retrace all that money? For one, how are they to calculate how much they should give back to each individual, with the fact that the goods are needed to be separated and retaxed GST or PST? Though I would be content with the tax repealed with little or no refund, some citizens are contesting to have their money back, a “want” that is not completely necessary. Secondly,  Colin Hansen has denounced the tax rebate, “British Columbians won’t receive an HST rebate even if they vote down the unpopular tax in next year’s referendum.” True, I find that the technical costs needed to continue forward with providing a rebate to the citizens will also be the money coming out of the taxpayers’ money. So where is the utility benefit of this issue?

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