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I am a sucker for Point of Purchase sale items

2011 March 23
by elishamallen

Rarely do I walk up to a cash register and leave with only the items I had intended to buy. At the hairdresser I always buy an O.P.I. nail polish, at Staples I always grab a pack of gum and at the grocery store I usually pick up a magazine.

Considering I really DO NOT need any of these items EVER, why do I continue to purchase them? I think I am so susceptible to point of purchase sales because I really cannot stand lineups and instantly look for distractions. I look at the nail polishes because O.P.I. does a brilliant job of creating captivating names for all of their colours and to be honest I purchase entirely based on the name. With regards to gum, I justify it as being cheap, easy to cary around, and refreshing after walking around the grocery store. Magazines are simply an evolution from the time of reading Archie Comics in the store line-up and considering they promise to help you loose 5 lbs in “just one week!” how can anyone refuse?

If I were to stop purchasing at the cash-register I would honestly save hundreds of dollars a year but then where is the excitement of spontaneous buying?

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