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2011 March 23
by elishamallen

I FINALLY WON ROLL UP THE RIM!!!! 18 cups of mediocre coffee in and I finally rolled up two winning cups in a row! I was the first in my friend group to get really excited to Roll Up the Rim at Tim Hortons and on the first day of roll up, I was running around Cannacord looking for a coffee partner. I found my friend Paul and promptly ran off to Timmy’s in search of a winning cup. Both Paul and I ended up with “please try again” messages, however I did not stop. As Lauren Bruce mentioned in her post, I became obsessed with trying to win.

Cup after cup of “please try again”, I continually marched over to Timmy’s determined to win. In between, while Lauren and every other customer under the sun was winning, I would go to Blenz or Starbucks and tell the cashiers how relieved I was to not have to “roll up the rim.” However, upon finally winning– not just once but twice in a row….it was all worth it! The fact of the mater is that I was going to buy coffee every day regardless and a free drink and free donut were just added perks. The best part was playing the game and getting competitive with regards to win/loss ratios. At one point I even changed the game around and was trying to loose 20 in a row. Turns out that just when you accept defeat…you win!

This campaign really is a winning marketing strategy for Tim Hortons. Photos of winning cups are all over Facebook and Twitter, and people are only too excited to tell their friends about their recent wins. Considering the fact that I went from 0 cups of Timmy’s coffee a month to 20 in one month, they certainly won me over. Are you ready to roll up?

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