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Get the Beckhams on Board

2011 January 18
by elishamallen

This past weekend was an insane weekend of competition and very little sleep at the 2011 JDC West Business Competition. The theme for the weekend was “going against the grain” and it seams to be only so fitting as it applies to marketing.

What are most advertisers trying to do? Answer: start a trend. How? Answer: go against the grain and hope that the masses follow. From Baby Carrots to lululemon yoga wear, markets everywhere are leaping out of the comfort zone to market the same-old-same-old in a new and exciting way.

So, who continually catches my eye? Marc Jacobs. Consistently outrageous, the new spring collection is completed with none other than a print display including Victoria Beckham. From Posh to poised she has created an aura of composure and only Marc would turn this image into a set of legs and a signature shopping bag. His ads are time and time again against the grain and do the trick. With out a doubt they will turn your head.

Victoria Beckham for Marc Jacobs, Spring 2011

Here’s to the man himself, his new line & going against the grain.

One Response leave one →
  1. ewilliamson permalink
    January 24, 2011

    Interesting post, Elisha. What is it about Marc Jacobs attitude towards fashion that attracts consumers? Why does Victoria Beckham seem like a good reflection of his attitude?

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