Coffee on Campus: Mercante

Hello! I’m proud to introduce a new series on the blog: Coffee on Campus! I will be exploring and reporting on all the hidden gems and coffee stops on campus, so you don’t have to waste any precious time or money. You know, just to help you out. First up in the series is: Mercante!


Location: A bit out of the way for the typical ” direct from bus-loop to Nest” go-er, Mercante is tucked away in the corner of Ponderosa Commons, at 6488 University Boulevard.

Hours: On weekdays, you can grab your latte as early as 7:30, and as late as midnight. The hours change up a bit on weekends, when they are open 10 AM – 10 PM.

Staff: The very friendly and hardworking staff are adamant on keeping the line moving and making sure you get your order as fast as possible. Just remember your number (it will be on your receipt or told to you) and you will have no problems whatsoever.

Food: Mercante is best known for its food, has some of the best on campus. The pizzas (cooked in a stone pizza oven!) and pastas are the affordable comfort food that dreams are made of. They also serve breakfast and have a variety of adult beverages for you to enjoy.

Drink: Mercante has one of the best lattes on campus, hands down. Don’t let the extra foam and light colour fool you, the strong espresso has a deep taste with a hint of chocolate, which makes it seem as if the tiramisu became a decadent drink. There’s no bitter aftertaste which makes it a smooth latte that you can enjoy. Another easy-sipping factor is that the milk isn’t brought to a high temperature. Downside: The latte goes cold more quickly than some of its counterparts. Upside: you can drink it as quickly as you want, without fear of losing your tongue in a terrible scalding hot coffee related accident.

Price: A small 14 oz. latte will take $3.62 out of your pocket.

Find out all the info you’ll need at:

Be sure to follow along on Twitter and Instagram @elizabethlately, or at #ubccoffeeoncanpus for pictures, and which coffee will be featured next!

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