Blog Post 2: Paris Peasant

In all honesty and transparency, this was a really challenging book for me to get through. I found it extremely confusing and almost always felt myself questioning what I was reading. Aragon’s words felt (for lack of better words) jumbled together as if we were listening to the constant thoughts and images running in his brain. This would be formally described as a “stream of consciousness”. To me, the book had an illogical timeline and therefore made it hard to follow what was happening in the book. In order to relieve some of my stress with reading this book, I tried to highlight some of the themes or recurring ideas depicted throughout the novel. Some that I found were the Passage de L’Opera, light, and time. After watching the lecture by Professor Beasley-Murray, I was able to understand more clearly the timeline and storyline (or lack thereof). A lot of my anxiety around understanding this book was relieved when the professor discussed that the “book’s temporality … [did] not depend on plot or narrative”. 

While discussing this course and Paris Peasant with my mother and the challenge I was having with understanding it, she reminded me of an exhibit that I visited in Southern Italy. This exhibit showcased Salvador Dali’s art, focused on themes of time, religion, and transformations. The art was placed in caves, creating an immersive experience with which viewers were placed directly into the creative (and surreal) mind of Dali. The idea of surrealism and its subsequent art was clearly depicted in this exhibit, forcing visitors to not so much question Dali’s art, but to really appreciate the excessiveness and disorientation with which he highlights. The “Melting Time” statue shown in the photo I took (attached below) is a clear example of the surrealist depiction of time and is a visual that helped to sort out my thoughts on the temporality of Paris Peasant. This exhibit related to the ideas in the book, such as “profane illumination” and surrealism. Making this connection helped me to further understand and appreciate the book for all of its confusion and lack of a traditional storyline or organization.

I guess I can finish this blog by highlighting that although this book was difficult, challenging, and confusing, it enabled readers to really go past their preconceived notions of traditional journeys and timelines through which books should travel. Like Dali’s art, Aragon played with surrealism and poetic imagery to depict and describe the everyday reality in Paris.

To conclude, I would pose the question: is an understanding of this period in literature and art critical to the enjoyment of this novel?

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