Here is a compiled list of awesome iPad apps for ELLs. They range from basic phonics, to grammar and syntax. As learning a new language can often be frustrating and at times feel hopeless, it is important for educators to make learning enjoyable.
- Scrabble
- Grammar Up
- Boggle
- Duo Lingo
- Intro to Letters
- Sounds Right
- Sentence Builder for iPad
- Speech Tutor
- iDaily Pro HD
- Hello-Hello English
- Basic Pronunciation: Clear Speech from the Start
- Wordbook XL – English Dictionary and Thesaurus for iPad
- Busuu
- Adventures for Kids
- Word Wit
- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
- Phonetics Focus
- Sounds: The Pronunciation App
- English is Easy – 1 HD
- Berlitz My English Coach for iPad
- Memrise
Primarily adapted from Best College’s Online article.