SMART boards

In a 2012 study done the University of Alabama concluded that “The results showed that using an interactive whiteboard for (a) visual presentations, (b) interactive games, and (c) test reviews was useful for the English language learners to learn new vocabulary and engage in learning.”

The SMART boards were used in three different ways;

  1. The educator used it to present visual materials for vocabulary instruction. For example, when students learned new words for the first time, the teacher prepared related images (e.g., urban, rural) and explained the meanings of words. The teacher also utilized many video or animation resources from the internet.

2) The teacher used the SMART Board for interactive games or activities. The SMART Notebook program included a lesson activity toolkit that allowed the teacher to create interactive games. Using this tool, the teacher created activities such as category sort, image match, and word guess.

3) Third, the SMART Board was used for test preparation. Students reviewed weekly vocabulary words using the SMART interactive response system every Thursday for a test held the next day. Using this tool, each student identified answers to questions presented on the SMART Board and verified answers immediately. If many students missed a single question, the teacher provided additional explanations to make sure that everyone understood the information.


The vocabulary test results showed that students’ posttest scores improved 36 points on average, ranging from 18 to 52 points’ difference.

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