
Hello Prezi!

January 26th, 2011 · No Comments

I first saw Prezi in one of my MIS class, and it was really a shock to me to see that my fellow classmates can come up such an exciting and polished presentation.

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And when we look at Promotion, one of the four marketing mix, it is all about information, communication and presentation. Every student in Sauder knows the importance of presentation and maybe even struggle with it. However, even the most compelling brands or concepts are lost if the face-to-face delivery is weak. A well-planned, well-delivered presentation will help to convince potential clients to choose you over the competition.

Let me introduce you a little bit history about PREZI. Prezi is created by Adam Somlai-Fischer and Peter Halacsy in 2007, as they felt slides limited their ability to develop and explain ideas. The company was started in Budapest—the home town of Peter and Adam, and was officially launched in April 2009.

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Prezi is a web-based presentation application and storytelling tool that uses a single canvas instead of traditional slides, text, images, videos and other presentation objects are placed on the infinite canvas and grouped together in frames. The canvas allows users to create non-linear presentations, where users can zoom in and out of a visual map. A path through different objects and frames can be defined, representing the order of the information to be presented.

Prezi doesn’t just flash pictures at you, it takes you on a journey and communicates with the audience how your own mind sees the information, allowing you to express yourself in the most coherent way possible.

So what are you waiting for? Start learning it now and use it in your presentation tomorrow to promoter your ideas!

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