
TIME Cohort

The calm before the storm. The best friends and support anyone could ever ask for! January 2014.


Where Have I Come From?

1935038_159440915419_6782679_nI grew up in the small town of Port Alberni, B.C. My family moved to Vancouver just as I was entering grade 7 and we’ve been here ever since. I began my career in music a year later when I had to select an elective for my high school time table. I vividly remember flipping a coin between band and strings. Just my luck, the coin decided my fate and strings it was! I can still remember the first day I picked up my viola, much to the dismay of my parents and our neighbors. I can still vividly smell the brand new case, feel the sticky, gummy rosin while tightening my bow and playing my very first scratch on my tiny instrument. Dear god, it was terrible, but I fell in love with music at that moment. Safe to say, I haven’t put it down since!

My mom always knew I would be a musician from an early age...

My mom always knew I would be a musician from an early age…

I knew from an early age that I wanted to be a teacher,I just never knew what subject it would be. As a child it was all I dreamed of and I’m sure there are several photos around somewhere of me teaching (or torturing) my siblings and a bunch of teddy bears too. My mom also loves to remind me that my favourite question in the world was “Why?” and to this day, I keep pushing myself to ask that very same question. I have always been inquisitive and curious which has driven my passion for learning.


UBC Symphony

UBC Symphony Orchestra

I have always enjoyed working with students and the community, and it’s something that I want to continue to do in my future. While not all days are perfect or go according to plan for that matter, the students keep you young at heart and offer contagious creativity and excitement that lends itself to learning new concepts. Everyday is an exciting step in my unchartered journey.


Professional Associations:

BCMEA British Columbia Music Educators Association

VPO Vancouver Philharmonic Orchestra

  • Principal Violist, Membership Director

NWSO New Westminster Symphony Orchestra

  • Principal Violist, Media Director

WCSO West Coast Symphony Orchestra

  • Violist

WCAMS West Coast Amateur Music Society

  • Member, Teacher, Clinician

Westside Church

  • Worship Leader and Band Team Leader 





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