
My Classroom Rules:

Make the most of each music class:

-Use time effectively

-Always do your best and put 100% effort into music class

Use instruments and equipment safely and properly.

Sing and participate in all classroom activities to the best of your ability..

Illustrate good character and make good choices.

-Show respect for yourself, others, and property

-Follow directions

Come into and leave the music room with a positive attitude and ready to create a masterpiece.

My Passions and Strengths:

Humour and Laughter:                                                                                                I am a lively individual and I can’t even begin to say how much I love to laugh and learn in a fun, positive environment. One of my greatest strengths is my use of humour and I’m usually the first one to crack a joke. I find it helps keep the atmosphere light and engaging, while allowing for the students to build a relationship with me and me with them. I want the classroom to be a place they enjoy and look forward too. Music is all about building these relationships and teamwork and we get to do so through creativity and fun.

Positivity:                                                                                                               Music for me was always a place I felt safe to be myself and express my creativity. In many ways, the music classroom is a vulnerable place because you are exposing a deep, unique part of yourself and we need to ensure that the environment is supportive and positive. As someone who has benefited greatly from the supportive and encouraging atmosphere in the classroom, it is something that I am dedicated to bringing my students to ensure their learning experience is as fruitful as possible.

Team Building and Creativity:                                                                               Music is unique in that it requires everyone involved to participate to the best of their ability to make a masterpiece. It’s extremely difficult to do this if the students don’t feel like they’re important or part of the team. One of my passions is building a community in the classroom through creative activities and projects. The more the students feel that they are accepted for who they are in the classroom and we celebrate what they bring as individuals to the classroom, the greater success we have to building a strong, caring and vibrant community of young thinkers. It’s not my goal that they all become soloists in Carnegie Hall, but that they become good citizens in society and learn to treat each other with respect. If we don’t care about one another, what’s the point of co-existing with one another? Food for thought…

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