Samsung making a come-back

Nowadays everyone has an iPhone, whether it be an old iPhone 3G or a new iPhone 6s. We communicate using apple apps such as snapchat, whatsapp and imessage. Finding a teenager with an andriod phone is uncommon and usually a surprise. So it is no wonder Samsung has been feeling the wrath of tough competition who control so much of the market base. Although currently Andriod actually still holds the vast majority of the market share for smartphones, the young up and coming customer base are mostly choosing the Applie iOS system instead, according to sources. (Edwards, J. )

Also, another worry for Samsung is how much money Apple is making. Although they do not own nearly as much as Android, Apple seems to keep rolling in profit from all areas. Figures have shown that “Apple made more money than all of its competitors combined, taking in 56 percent of the profit in the mobile device market.” (Bradley, T.)


So what is Samsung doing to increase their profits? They are doing what an respectable business would do- and are investing in what they do best. They plan to spend over $14.7 billion on a plantation in South Korea that could make memory chips or logic chips. They are currently the worlds largest supplier of memory chips and obviously hope to make money on this. Will this be a wise investment by Samsung, or will this leave them with an even worse profit margin signalling the end of the great era of Samsung? We will find out in the near future. (Samsung Electronics)

Bradley, T. (n.d.). Android Dominates Market Share, But Apple Makes All The Money. Forbes. Retrieved October 6, 2014, from

Edwards, J. (2014, May 31). The iPhone 6 Had Better Be Amazing And Cheap, Because Apple Is Losing The War To Android. Business Insider. Retrieved October 6, 2014, from

Samsung Electronics to invest 15.6tr won in Korean chip plant. (n.d.). South China Morning Post. Retrieved October 6, 2014, from

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