7th week: Cool Sources


This website helps us to understand the price change by providing literature explanation. For example, this website illustrates what happen to Argentina after strong storm came. It says that due to storm, the planting day has been delayed to 4% from 9% last year of 19.7 million hectares. As a reader, it is easy to understand the storm effects on commodity by giving the reasons with specific numbers. The website title is Bernama refer to Malaysian National News Agency. It is built by Act of parliament in 1967, and it is monitored by Board of Governors. Bernama has office in Washington, London, Manila, New Delhi, Dhaka, Melbourne and Vancouver. Its goal is to provide reliable and latest news among local & international media including government agencies, corporations, and university students. It is interesting that many Malaysian newspapers, electronic media and even Federal Governors are BERNAMA subscribers. I think this website purpose is to educate people, and we could read commodity news and global hot issue.



The International Business Times show three commodity markets at once. On the market/finance section we can read commodity news. The have commodities market separately. So it is easy to read news. This website gives natural resource price change, and corn with ethanol price change.  The website is updated every day with different topics.

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