How to make fishery markets sustainable

From the article “How Behavioral Economics Could Save Both the Fishing Industry and the Oceans” written by Eric Pooley, he elaborates that previously, fishermen have overfished because there are limits to catch fish in certain time, but he introduces  a new method to keep fishery market sustainable. It is called catch share management. He explains it works well by changing human behavior with putting incentives. It is mainly done by the fishery share, the maximum catch amount not time, determined scientifically. The share is based on the average amount of fish per year. The limit is not ‘tightened’ but ‘flexible’ for fishermen and consumers. The catch limit management helps fishery stock to increase at a given example in the Gulf of Mexico of red snapper fish. Also it helps to reduce the amount of discarded fish by 50%. Also other regions such as Northern California, Oregon and Washington State are along with the new method.

I enjoy reading the article. I think there is a question how we monitor each fisherment fish at the right stock. Also we learn in class that since the fish moves broadly, it is not easy to place under jurisdiction, so I hope many countries are cooperatively participated in fishing at a sustainable level.