6th week: Cool Sources


This website is very helpful to understand the major countries currency. This website provides explanation of four components weekly: outlook of Euro and US dollar explanation, gold, natural gas, and crude oil. These effects are crucial to anticipate the world price of grain commodity. I think the website provides much information we can elaborate in our blog. This website provides exchange rate among many countries. Such as EUR/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CAD. Also it indicates the perfect time for exchanging currency depending on different time. And like the title of website, regarding exchange rate, it provides current new in the world. Stock market news is also provided. In the section of opinion, while reading through the article, we could understand better world market with economical explanation.


This website helps to see three commodities: soybean, corn, and wheat events at once. I use information mostly from here for today’s weekly blog. It shows the change in world supply and demand. From the title, we can assume that this website shows news related to Canada. I could read agricultural news in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. And this website shows the price regarding the different type of wheat. For example, it gives price charts of regular wheat and Spring wheat.

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