Email to Prospective Writing Team Members

From: Elton Kok <>
To: Richard Chen <>
Date: September 21, 2020
Subject: ENGL 301 Writing Team Invitation

Hi Richard Chen,

I am emailing you today to propose if you would like to work together as a member of an ENGL 301 Professional Writing Team.

I have read your application letter and I am impressed at your academic background and qualifications. We share similar professional interests as we are both second degree BCS students which indicates to me maturity and experience. I was especially impressed at your formal training in writing professional briefs which were included in court trials. It seems you have a lot of professional writing experience which would be a great skill to have in our team. I highly respect your teamwork ability which even got recognized by your manager. I hope you can bring your teamwork skills to our writing team.

Please consider my invitation to be a member of our ENGL 301 Professional Writing Team. I have attached my Letter of Application to this email if you would like to review my background and experience. Feel free to reach out to me via email at I look forward to hearing back from you and hope to work together soon.

Thank you for your consideration,

Elton Kok

301 Elton Kok Application letter

From: Elton Kok <>
To: Aleem Tariq <>
Date: September 21, 2020
Subject: ENGL 301 Writing Team Invitation

Hi Aleem Tariq,

I am emailing you today to propose if you would like to work together as a member of an ENGL 301 Professional Writing Team.

I have read your application letter and I am impressed at your academic background and qualifications. We share similar professional interests as we are both second degree BCS students which indicates to me maturity and experience. We both share similar natural science backgrounds as I have also been involved in a graduate research project. We both realized our interest in computer science while performing research in our respective fields. I respect that you acknowledge your weakness in technical writing and even more so your initiative to take this course to improve at it. This is the exact trait and mentality I would love to have in a writing team member.

Please consider my invitation to be a member of our ENGL 301 Professional Writing Team. I have attached my Letter of Application to this email if you would like to review my background and experience. Feel free to reach out to me via email at I look forward to hearing back from you and hope to work together soon.

Thank you for your consideration,

Elton Kok

301 Elton Kok Application letter

From: Elton Kok <>
To: Syed Ahmed <>
Date: September 21, 2020
Subject: ENGL 301 Writing Team Invitation

Hi Syed Ahmed,

I am emailing you today to propose if you would like to work together as a member of an ENGL 301 Professional Writing Team.

I have read your application letter and I am impressed at your academic background and qualifications. We share similar professional interests as we are both second degree BCS students which indicates to me maturity and experience. I see from your application letter that you are extremely experienced as you have written and reviewed many scientific articles. I am even more so impressed that you were awarded a scholarship as a result of your exceptional  writing skills. Having a scientific background myself, I strongly agree with your perspective that criticism is the most valuable gift in science. I hope you can contribute your extensive experience and your constant improvement mindset to our writing team.

Please consider my invitation to be a member of our ENGL 301 Professional Writing Team. I have attached my Letter of Application to this email if you would like to review my background and experience. Feel free to reach out to me via email at I look forward to hearing back from you and hope to work together soon.

Thank you for your consideration,

Elton Kok

301 Elton Kok Application letter

Email Memorandum


To: Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor
From: Elton Kok, ENGL 301 Student
Date: September 17th, 2020
Subject: ENGL 301 Application Letter Submission

As per week two’s deliverable, I am emailing to inform you that I have completed my letter of application for an ENGL 301 writing team. This has been posted on my blog at this link. I have also attached at the bottom of this memorandum my Letter of Application as a Microsoft Word document.

The contents of this Letter of Application includes:

    • My professional and academic background as well as interests
    • Strengths and weaknesses with regards to my writing ability
    • My learning methodology that I believe helps me learn the best
    • My contact information for interested teammates

Please let me know of any suggestions to my Letter of Application so I can improve on my next one. I look forward to hearing back and learning from your review.

Enclosure: 301 Elton Kok Application letter

ENGL 301 Professional Writing Team Member Letter of Application

2 Park Drive
Toronto, Canada, L4A 4K1

September 17, 2020

ENGL 301 Students
University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

Dear ENGL 301 Peers,

I am writing this letter today to be considered for position as a group member in a writing team. I am currently a third year BCS (Bachelor of Computer Science) student at the University of British Columbia completing my second degree. As an alumnus from the University of Toronto with a degree in Biochemistry and Human Biology, I have ample experience writing formal lab reports and have taken my fair share of English courses during my time there. I believe my former undergraduate experience in which I have written many reports, would be a valuable asset to an ENGL 301 writing team.

As a BCS second degree student, I am interested in pursuing a career in computer science and possibly combining my previous field in biochemistry with computer science. I have previously worked at Sanofi Pasteur as a Co-Op student where I was part of the research and development department. My unit focused on DNA sequencing and analyzing/interpreting large genome data sets. This experience is what first sparked my interest in computer science. After graduation, I was able to secure a full-time position at the same company as part of the quality control department. However, after a year of work, I realized I could not ignore the interest that I developed for computer science and decided to pursue a second degree as a BCS student at UBC.

Given my background in natural sciences, my writing skills leans more toward the technical side such as creating reports and discussion of results. In contrast, my creative writing skills (poetry, literature) can be considered one of my weaknesses as I am relatively inexperienced compared to my technical writing capabilities. However, for the ENGL 301 course, I believe my inexperience in creative writing should be no issue as we focus more on the technical writing aspect.

My preferred learning method is to complete practice problems or create a project that uses the concept I want to learn. For example, I created a web scraper and a clone of the Flappy Bird game to improve my Python skills. As a result of my learning strategy, I am someone who can learn new concepts and ideas relatively quickly. Therefore, if a new writing challenge presents itself in this course, I am confident in my ability to adapt and learn to produce the best effort I can for the writing team.

If my experience and background satisfies your needs, please consider my application and reach out to me via email at I look forward to hearing back from potential teammates.


Elton Kok

301 Elton Kok Application letter


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