This unit was challenging as we began the process of researching and drafting the formal report. An assignment that helped especially with this was the progress report. This helped me organize my thoughts on the formal report and create a timeline for when tasks should be finished.

Researching and Data Collection for Formal Report
The task of collecting data although seemingly simple, was actually quite challenging. It was challenging for me to think of questions for me to ask in a survey that would help me get the data that I wanted. Since this was my first time writing survey questions, it was especially difficult for me to create appropriate questions. I had difficulty trying to ask the question I wanted without it being a leading question. I also struggled on discovering what format would best be suited for certain types of questions. Although this process was challenging for me, I learned quite a lot on the process of data collection and it was rewarding to see the responses on my survey.
It was also my first time performing an interview to collect data. This task was difficult and fun at the same time as I got to rekindle with past coworkers and managers while trying to collect data for the report. A challenge I faced when interviewing was asking questions in a way that would not affect the responses. Also, I found I had to prompt the interviewee more to get them to elaborate on their responses. Overall, the data collection phase was difficult however, I learned a lot and I believe I was able to obtain the data necessary for the report.
Drafting the Formal Report
Drafting the initial draft of the formal report was a daunting task. Looking at the requirements listed in the instructor’s blog, having to write 2500-3500 words for a report seemed like a difficult task. What helped me in tackling this challenge was using the outline that we drafted in one of the previous assignments and write the report section by section. This helped me break the report down into small subsections instead of looking at the entire 3500 word report. I also had difficulty determining what methods would be best to present the data that I collected. For example, when I was calculating the amount of paper used annually by the department, I did not know how to present this calculation. I eventually decided that a table would best represent this information as I could show the results of each step of the calculation and the data used to arrive to the next step.
A new writing style that we learned in this unit was the “You Attitude” writing style. This type of writing focuses on the reader and trying to appeal to the reader through a positive tone and avoiding imperative verbs. This style of writing is new to me, however, I learned a lot about catering to the reader. We also had to include this style of writing in the formal report which helped improve my formal report to make the overall tone sound more friendly to the reader. This style of writing is especially helpful when writing emails to professors and managers and I will keep this skill in mind, even after the course ends.
Peer Reviewing a Formal Report
After finishing my draft of the report, we were tasked to give feedback and review a team member’s report. Again, I found these peer review assignments especially helpful. Reading my peer’s formal report gave me ideas on how to describe my own data and propose solutions to the reader. Receiving feedback on my own formal report draft was invaluable. My team members are talented writers and provide me great constructive feedback to improve my work. For example, in my peer review, my partner pointed out that certain areas of my introduction section could be more concise by removing unnecessary information. This was especially helpful as I was having trouble finding ways to keep my report informative, yet concise. Overall, these peer review assignments throughout the course have been invaluable in improving my own technical writing capabilities.
Enclosure: For confidential purposes, my report cannot be publicly published