
This page contains my resume in an online format and a PDF at the bottom of the page. It highlights my past experiences, qualifications, and technical skills.


Email: Phone: 647 123 4567

 Location: Vancouver, BC LinkedIn:


To secure an internship in a software development role at an innovative company where I can apply and grow my technical skills.


University of British Columbia                                                   Vancouver, BC
Bachelor’s of Computer Science (BCS), Third Year         2020 – 2023 (expected)

University of Toronto                                                                        Toronto, ON
Honours Bachelor’s of Science                                                  2014 – 2019


Advanced Technician                                                                        Toronto, ON
Sanofi Pasteur Limited                September 2019 – September 2020

  • Performed inspection, verification, and labeling on incoming raw materials to ensure their integrity before production use
  • Sampled chemicals in grade C and D classified areas to provide testing material for QC labs in order to release raw materials for use in
    vaccine production
  • Carried out Environmental Monitoring of classified areas using MAS units, Met-Ones, and streak plating to ensure bacterial/fungal/particle
    counts are within control

Teaching Assistant                                                                            Toronto, ON
University of Toronto                                  September 2018 – May 2019

  • Co-lectured to a class of approximately 150 students to teach computer science fundamentals using Python
  • Hosted office hours to mentor students one on one, resulting in overall improvement in their grades
  • Communicated with a team of TAs in meetings to provide feedback to the course instructor and help improve overall course content


Flappy Bird AI                                                                                                          2020

  • Developed a clone of the popular game Flappy Bird using Python’s pygame module and used Python NEAT library to create an AI
    that plays the game perfectly

Battery Recycling Organization (BRO)                                                  2019

  • Developed a full-stack web application which shows users where the nearest battery recycling location is using Python, Flask,
    HTML/CSS/JavaScript and Google Maps API for the TOHacks 2019 hackathon

CSCB20 Website Redesign                                                                       2019

  • Redesigned and added functionality to the old CSCB20 website which includes logging in with different user types and submitting remark
    requests/instructor feedback using Flask, SQLite, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Hacker News Clone                                                                                         2019

  • Created a website that dynamically fetches top and new stories from the Hacker News API using React and Bootstrap

Reminder Email Bot                                                                                        2019

  • Created a website that dynamically fetches top and new stories from the Hacker News API using React and Bootstrap


  • Languages: Python, C, JavaScript, Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, UNIX/BASH, MATLAB
  • Tools/Frameworks: React, Bootstrap, Flask, SQLite, MongoDB, Node/Express.JS, AWS EC2, Git, LaTEX


Available on request


PDF Version Here: Resume_Elton_Kok

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