Reflection Blog: Web Folio Creation

When creating my Web Folio, I was given the opportunity to look back at the work that I have made over this term. It was truly amazing to see the growth of my writing throughout the term. My writing skill has improved and I have learned many new concepts over the term.

I revised a lot of my writing according to my peer reviews which has greatly contributed to my improvement over the term. I put the work that I think was of best quality in the best work section. It is amazing how all the work that has been done over the term can be compiled into a Web Folio.

At first, creating a Web Folio seemed like a daunting task. I did not know where or how to create one. However, I was able to turn my blog site into the Web Folio. The Web Folio introduces the reader to the technical writing course and the best work that I have done over the term. A challenge I faced when I was creating this Web Folio was writing an online version of my resume. This was difficult as I struggled trying to make the layout look nice. However, as I got more familiar with WordPress, I was able to make my online resume look as nice as the PDF version.

Although creating the Web Folio seemed like a challenging task at first, I am happy with how it turned out. My Web Folio serves as a great introduction to myself and my work for curious readers. I especially like the best work section as I get to show off how my writing has evolved over the semester. Overall, I am glad to have taken this course and I hope to use the lessons I have learned here throughout the rest of my professional career.

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