About ENGL 301

Introduction – Technical Writing for Technicians

ENGL 301 is a 3 credit course that focuses on the principles of written and online communication in a professional environment. This course discusses professional communication mediums such as reports, proposals, emails, and texts. This course also teaches students to develop their online presence via professional Web Folios such as developing a LinkedIn profile and a professional website.

The course is evaluated based on three major assignments. The first being a Formal Report. This formal report is completed over the course of the term with multiple revisions according to feedback from the student’s writing team. The second is a job Application Package. Students find a job through a job portal and create a full application package for that position and post it to their LinkedIn website. The last assignment is the Web-Folio where students create a website to display their resume and experience.

In this course, I hope to learn how to develop a professional website that future employers can explore to learn more about my skills and experiences. I also hope this course will help me improve on my LinkedIn profile by helping me develop on the areas that recruiters tend to focus on. I hope this course will also help me in professional communications (emails/reports) so that when I am in the workplace, I can draw from the skills learned in this course.

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