Best Work

This course had many interesting and challenging projects. I certainly learned a lot and improve my technical writing capabilities over the term of this course. The following is a list of the work that I have done for this course that I think is my best work. The work has been peer reviewed by my amazing peers from Team Undefined.

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Definition Assignment

In this assignment, I wrote three different types of definitions for the term “Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction”. I learned how to write parenthetical, sentence, and expanded types of definitions.

301 Revised Definition of qPCR Elton Kok

Peer Review of Definition Assignment

This was my first peer review assignment for the technical writing course. I learned how to look at someone’s work through a critical eye. While reviewing my peer’s work, I also was able to learn things they did well and incorporated that into my own work.

301 Elton Kok Peer Review of Definition

Formal Report Proposal, Progress Report

The formal report proposal was a challenging assignment. It was difficult trying to come up with a topic that I could propose a solution to and gather primary research data.

301 Elton Kok Revised Proposal and Progress Report With Surveys

Complaint Letter and Response Letter

The complaint and response letter was my first exposure to the “You Attitude” style of writing. This writing is exceptionally useful when communicating with other people. It ensures the tone of writing is positive towards the reader.

301 Elton Kok Compliant and Response Letter

ApplicationĀ Package

The application package assignment gave me an opportunity to showcase my skills and qualifications to a company of interest. This assignment helped me look for ways in which I could best display my qualifications through a cover letter and resume.

301 Elton Kok Application Package

Formal Report

The formal report assignment involved gather data the the solution proposed in the formal report proposal assignment. I was able to use the data that I gathered to create a strong proposal of my solution.

Unfortunately, due to confidential issues from the company, I am unable to publicly publish my formal report.

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