About Me

Hi! My name is Elton and I am a BCS (Bachelor’s of Computer Science) student at UBC. I am currently pursuing this as a second degree as I have completed  my first degree in Biochemistry and Human Biology at the University of Toronto. I hope to be able to use this degree to attain the academic knowledge and work experience to become a Software Engineer at a large tech company that makes products used by millions of people around the world.

Academically, I am interested in many different fields. Of course, as a computer science major, I am interested in topics of computer science and developing apps. I am also thinking of completing a bridging module (similar to a minor for the BCS program) in machine learning and computer engineering. Having my previous degree in Biochemistry and Human Biology, I am also interested and knowledgeable in the natural science fields with relations to cells, DNA, and analytical laboratory techniques.

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