Safety Dance

November 6th, 2013 § 0 comments

I’m sure by now most of us have seen Virgin Airline’s safety video that has gone viral.

After reading Kelsey Ingram’s marketing blog about the “5 key ingredients to shoot your brand’s video to viral fame” (link here), this advertisement by Virgin America immediately came to mind. Perhaps one of its purpose of this video is really to educate the masses on in-flight safety but I think the primary rationale of this video is part of Virgin America’s marketing scheme.

For one, this video is definitely #3 on Kelsey’s list: “unexpectedness”. Almost everyone has been on a plane and knows that airline safety videos are boring but yet, it’s extremely important that we know what to do in an emergency. Virgin America’s viral video is able to capture the attention of people because people do not expected ear-catching jingles or sassy dance moves as part of an airline safety video. This unexpectedness leaves a lasting impression on people’s mind and it gets people talking (positively) which is always a good thing.

Another on her list, “participation”. Virgin America induces the involvement of people by including them in their sassy safety videos. They are currently holding auditions for their next video (link here), probably something that will turn out viral as well. This allows for heavy involvement of consumers which is beneficial for them because they may feel more connected to the company. Also, these auditions are fun activities and people will start associating and drawing links between Virgin America and characteristics like “fun-loving”, “hip” and “cool” which may put them in a new, positive light.

Finally, “shareability”. Multitudes of people started sharing this “cool” and “hip” airline video that made them smile on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr etc. and thus, starting a ripple effect and turning the video viral.

I think it’s insanely clever of Virgin America to come up with this airline safety video that is also a subtle marketing scheme that seeks to promote Virgin America as a current, hip and trendy flight option for people that has an flight crew of fun-loving people. The virality of the video also helped with the brand consciousness of Virgin America.

They have definitely set the bar high for trendy airline safety videos. I wonder if Air Canada has anything up their sleeves any time soon… :p

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