Reflection: Team Coca-Cola

November 29th, 2013 § 0 comments

My team (shout out to Alex, Tim, Tiffany, Paula and Carmen! :D)  did our project on The Coca-Cola Company. This project had three segments: basic background information on the company- its mission and vision, history and SWOT analysis, then we dug deeper by analyzing the company’s segmentation, targeting and positioning and finally, my favourite part of the project- the video assignment where we elaborated on the chosen segment’s marketing mix!

I felt that this project was key in helping us apply textbook knowledge into real-life contexts. Learning the meaning of Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning is pretty rudimentary but when we were tasked to use STP and segment the market for Coca-Cola, it caught us dumbfounded, or me at least. It was challenging coming up with segments for the Coca-Cola market because everyone drinks Coke. However, we later came to a realization that Coca-Cola would gain the greatest bulk of sales from customers who were loyal to the brand (behavioral segment), since there are so many substitutes for soft drinks. We had to further trim down our selected segment into young people within the ages of 16-25 (demographic segment) to make it more specific. Marketing is not as easy as it might appear to be.

My favourite part of the project was definitely the filming because it gave us the creative freedom to do whatever we wanted. It was a refreshing change from the more serious work we did earlier in parts 1 and 2 of the project. Also, it was during this stage when my team mates started to warm up to each other and it was real fun seeing each other’s creative and wild side as we brainstormed ideas for the video and during the filming process too. Despite coming from diverse backgrounds and cultures, I think my team worked very well together and I think that it’s this very diversity that helped us amalgamate varying perspectives and consumer experiences around the world. It was a good ending to my Intro to Marketing journey. (-:


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