US oil spill: ‘Bad management’ led to BP disaster

In the crisis of BP oil spill which took 11 people’s lives away, BP company took all the responsibilities for this incident. However, in the article, it was found that it was not only BP’s fault, and that government other companies were also involved in this incident.

Both BP company and the government were being unethical before the disaster happened since they did not investigate various activities and decisions enough to make sure that everything is on the right track. Even after the incident, they thought that giving out money would solve everything which I think is an unethical action. This disaster could have been prevented if the company looked more carefully into the safety and thought more about their workers’ conditions. They focused too much on gaining a profit and did not concern much about other factors such as making sure that their workers are working in a safe condition. Additionally, if the government had more strict regulations on safety checks, it might have prevented the disaster as well. This incident taught us that the responsibilities of a business or a company is not only to make a profit but also to make sure that all stakeholders including workers are treated equally under the safe environment. This incident also gave a company and government a chance to re-investigate how the safety regulations should be in order to prevent any other crisis like this to happen again.




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