Part Time Jobs and the Costs: Response to Yuuki Miyagawa


In Yuuki Miyagawa’s blog post, he talks about how it is unethical for companies to cut off working hours in order to increase the profitability. I agree that the reduction in hours and increase in part-time jobs would affect some people’s lives enormously in a negative way especially those whose livings depend on earnings from their jobs. It is important for companies to increase its profitability in order to keep the business going, however, it is not the only thing they have to consider when running business. They have to clearly identify who their stakeholders are and make sure that they are all satisfied with what a company does and their treatment. When a company fails to respond to their stakeholders’ needs, it can lead the company to go bankrupt.


Instead of reducing work hours, I believe companies can take other methods to reduce costs and increase profitability without being unethical. One example would be training employees from the beginning as it would make production process faster and workforce more efficient which result in the increase of productivity. Another idea would be improving technology which would also help companies to increase productivity hence its profitability. Improvement in technology also reduces labour costs as companies will not need to hire as many people as before.

For these points, I strongly believe that it is important that companies make sure that what they are doing is not unethical and does not have negative impact on any of their stakeholders when trying to gain more profits. This is also part of their responsibilities when running a business.

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