Staying fit in the workplace: Response to Brendan Lancaster


In Brendan Lancaster’s blog post “Staying fit in the workplace” talks about placing things as far away from the desks as possible so that employees move around the office and it eventually keeps them fit. I agree with what he said at the beginning that it is difficult to find time to work out when you are busy with your work. I myself feel the same way after I came to UBC. I need to be very motivated in order to make myself go to gym. I also agree that this strategy would encourage me to stay active and not to sit for the whole day.

However, I think this strategy can also be controversial as some people might find this idea inconvenient and inefficient. It would be annoying to get up every time to just get things like staplers and calculators especially when you are in a great hurry. Also, I do not think this would work well in a long term as many people would start finding this inconvenient and they would stop putting things back to the original place and just keep them close to their desks. In order to encourage employees to stay active in a long term, companies should come up with other plans such as mandatory free workout sessions every week. In doing so, it would force employees to work out frequently and stay fit. I myself would love to work in a company that offers service like that in the future.


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