How Female CEOS Actually Get to the Top


The blog written by Sarah Dillard and Vanessa Lipschitz shows the research on how female CEOs got their positions. From the research, they figure out that it is not the degree from famous universities or the most prestigious jobs that made them reach the top but a company where you can find a potential to climb up. I found this blog very interesting, because I used to think that graduating from a good university and getting MBA are essential in order for women to get to the top, so this research was quite surprising for me. I found that finding a good environment in a workplace that motivates you to work hard is more important than getting degrees.


However, I still think there is an inequality between men and women. The fact that long stint for women is over 50% longer than for men shows that there is still a difference in how a company treats men and women. I believe that it takes longer for women to gain the trust since some people still consider women as inferior to men and think that men are more suitable for leaders. It is unfair that it is harder to women to get into leader positions, however, I think this inequality is going to disappear in the near future. More and more women are getting university level of education and going into workforce after graduating. The traditional way of viewing women is vanishing as more people are becoming aware that women have as much potential as men do.

Through this blog, I learned that there is a great chance for women to climb up to the top although it might be harder than men. What I found through this blog made me excited to start working after graduating a university and gave me a reason and motivation to work harder.


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