let’s get the hang of things

Hey there.

Now for the standard intro: I’m Emilia Ravn Oscilowicz. I’m from Las Vegas, Nevada. I was born in Ottawa, Canada and lived in Poland for a few years before moving to my desert oasis. I like soccer, empenadas, Modern Family, discus, Bon Iver, cats, and icecream. Specifically Moose Tracks.

I’m really excited for this ASTU class! I haven’t truly read a book in a while, so I’m hoping this class will help me regain the passion I had for books at one point (even if those books happened to be picture books or Harry Potter).

I’m most excited for District 9 since it’s one of my favorite movies of all time. I actually met Neill Blomkamp in Vancouver a year or so ago. It’ll be interesting to actually study the movie!

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3 Responses to let’s get the hang of things

  1. aiyanaam says:

    Emilia! I like Modern Family, Bon Iver, cats and ice cream, too! Even though I can’t eat ice cream… The things you learn creeping ASTU blogs!

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