Cecilia Larson’s Blog Post “THUMBS UP TO HEALTHCARE”


As the importance of social media grew rapidly these years, it is well known that many people used the site as sources of entertainment, information research, and connection with other people. However, after reading Cecilia Larson’s blog post about Facebook’s expansion in the healthcare, I was surprised by the fact that many users actually will search for health advice.

According to my own research, 40% of people will look for health related consumer reviews and 1/3 of people will seek for help on medical treatments, drugs, and health plans. It seems like nowadays many patients have more awareness on the condition of their health and  social media has become the platform where they can find out the solutions by talking to people who have the similar symptoms before. This has also become the initiative for Facebook executive to start programming different health care applications to show business ethics for attracting more customers and therefore, increasing the profits.

It is good to see that  Facebook is touching the field of healthcare because it reflects that the company has a picture of  its customer segment and an idea to develop further relationship with its customers. However, I am wondering  if the company has also include value proposition into the plan. Because the amount of demands that can be meet and the amount of pain that can be reduce for the customer through applications are crucial for the company’s plan to succeed and thus increase its profits.

Relationship between Company and First Nation

Because the place where people of First Nation lived are mostly protected; therefore, most of the oil company are often trying to extract the resources from these areas. However, they need to consider social and cultural trends of these aboriginal people. The perspective of natives are opposed to the company because they consider land as their most important living resources. Therefore, the company has to create an revenue attractiveness by signing an agreement of sharing profits with the domestic people in order for them to stop defending and allowing the company to start digging oils or building pipelines across the land. 

However, the need and demand of the aboriginal people is huge, they do not satisfy with the consistent income but also searching for rights and title of the land. This will affect and lead to the alter of the oil company’s business model because the model is restricted by the conflict between the government and the aboriginal people. The government will not easily to agree to give title of land and rights to the aboriginal people since in the past, the court and the officials discarded these people’s rights and the litigation of the aboriginal people have been processed unlawfully.

Therefore, in order for the company to have a business model that can be commence successfully, the company has to plan and add the solution to the business model for solving the external market issues. For example, in the article, the company has set up a regular meeting with the aboriginal people with the involvement of the government officials to build up a more position relationship amongst the three parties. 

Hackers’Attack Cracked 10 Financial Firms in Major Assault

File photo of JP Morgan Chase & Co headquarters in New YorkT

he recent news reveals that one of the largest financial institution, JP Morgan, had been attacked by an unknown group from Russia. In addition to this blockbuster, another nine institutions were discovered to have experience the similar attack from the same organization. Many questions then arise from the public,among all these, one concern that catches my attention is the topic on the vulnerability of the security system and the lack of regulation on protecting millions of customers’ best interest.

Apparently, the irresponsible action of the companies is the trigger of this tragedy. If the companies were able to spot the intrusion of the computer system immediately, then million of customer accounts will not be reviewed by people with an unjustified approach. Thus, the advance of the security system is of necessity for the company to avoid the financial crisis that can cause by the illegal use of customer information.

The financial institution cannot be the only one that was bng criticized. According to the article, the institution is allowed to report any crisis to the customer after a month, and such an unethical action is caused by the lack of the government regulation. So here comes a question, where is our customer’s right?  If the cyberattack is going to repeat, the biggest victim will be these customers who build trust on both the government and the financial institution. However, the customer is the one who is paying the money for both communities to survive. Therefore, the government should impose restricted regulation to make the firm report more transparent to the customer.

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