Because the place where people of First Nation lived are mostly protected; therefore, most of the oil company are often trying to extract the resources from these areas. However, they need to consider social and cultural trends of these aboriginal people. The perspective of natives are opposed to the company because they consider land as their most important living resources. Therefore, the company has to create an revenue attractiveness by signing an agreement of sharing profits with the domestic people in order for them to stop defending and allowing the company to start digging oils or building pipelines across the land.
However, the need and demand of the aboriginal people is huge, they do not satisfy with the consistent income but also searching for rights and title of the land. This will affect and lead to the alter of the oil company’s business model because the model is restricted by the conflict between the government and the aboriginal people. The government will not easily to agree to give title of land and rights to the aboriginal people since in the past, the court and the officials discarded these people’s rights and the litigation of the aboriginal people have been processed unlawfully.
Therefore, in order for the company to have a business model that can be commence successfully, the company has to plan and add the solution to the business model for solving the external market issues. For example, in the article, the company has set up a regular meeting with the aboriginal people with the involvement of the government officials to build up a more position relationship amongst the three parties.