Hey Emily,
This is such an important conversation!! I really appreciate how you historically contextualised how the idea of average arose, and then what it’s epistemological foundations are. By the embedding that to show how average has links to power and privilege, and then how we can (and need to) move towards a more inclusive model, made this a super effective project. The educational gap you listed have come up over and over again in MET conversations and are so important to continue bringing up so that we are all aware of them and can work towards addressing them in every moment and way we can.
Thanks for this. Any way I can save this infographic to share in future (with credit to you, of course). Let me know!
Hey Emily,
This is such an important conversation!! I really appreciate how you historically contextualised how the idea of average arose, and then what it’s epistemological foundations are. By the embedding that to show how average has links to power and privilege, and then how we can (and need to) move towards a more inclusive model, made this a super effective project. The educational gap you listed have come up over and over again in MET conversations and are so important to continue bringing up so that we are all aware of them and can work towards addressing them in every moment and way we can.
Thanks for this. Any way I can save this infographic to share in future (with credit to you, of course). Let me know!
I actually ended up linking to this as my 6th post. You can view it here if you’d like https://blogs.ubc.ca/jamiedimitra/linking-assignment/averages-and-futures/