What Makes Someone an Engaging Leader?



In order to achieve organisational agility, innovation and growth it is necessary to combine profitability with employee engagement. According to Ken Oehler, Lorraine Stomski and Magdalena Kustra-Olszewska’s post on Harvard Business Review, this can be achieved through the guidance of an engaging leader. Engaging leaders throughout the ranks of the organisation are distinguished by their “formative early experiences, guiding beliefs and engaging behaviours”.  Research suggests that they are guided by their responsibility to serve their followers and prioritise human relationships while staying grounded and humble.

My analysis shows that by combining an engaging leader, a comfortable working environment, and a motivated set of employees, an organisation can attain success on the market. Tony Hsieh, the C.E.O of Zappos is a paragon of all the qualities that make an engaging leader. He truly believes in maintaining strong relationships with his employees and making sure all employees truly want to work for the company. For instance, Hsieh made sure all his employees were fully committed to the company by offering them $2,000 to quit. He also places a lot of importance on creating a comfortable and appealing environment for his employees. As a result, Zappos is known for its excellent customer service and has achieved profitability and employee engagement.


Oehler, Ken, Lorraine Stomski, and Magdalena Kustra-Olszewska. “What Makes Someone an Engaging Leader.” Harvard Business Review. Web. 10 Nov. 2014. 

 Jacobs, Alexandra. “Happy Feet – The New Yorker.” The New Yorker. Web. 10 Nov. 2014. 

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