inspecting personal and student experience to facilitate relation and reflection in education

Category: Digital Teaching Resources and Tools

Central to my inquiry is making course themes, content – and the knowledge therefrom – relatable and relevant to students. One way I believe this can be done is through making the material temporally proximate: that is to say it is sometimes hard for us to relate to those things which we don’t recognize, are not familiar with, or don’t fit in to the version of the world we, as 21st century people, are used to seeing. Often times the world that we know and the ones that we are taught about are separated by time, and time can do a great deal to change how things look. By using some modern digital video editing we can bring the past to the present a little more easily, make the distant black and white world seem more proximate with colour, and even bring the dead to life again to hear and watch their stories.

This page is dedicated to accumulating, discussing, and sharing some digital resources I have found through research, colleagues, and friends. Further it is a space where the distant past can be better understood by running it through a contemporary lens: I’m interested in using this space to communicate just how amazing it is that although we move further from the past everyday, contemporary resources allow us some ways to become closer to it.

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