Professional Reports

This page includes samples of professional GIS projects that I have worked on that extend beyond my academics. Please see below for descriptions of each and samples of the final reports.

1. Ducks Unlimited Canada & The British Columbia Conservation Foundation


For this project, I worked as part of a four-person team to map the presence of an invasive marine grass called Spartina. Throughout coastal BC, this grass is problematic because it out-competes native grasses in intertidal zones and causes mudflats to rise above sea level. This in turn dramatically changes the extent of intertidal ecosystems and has significant ecological impacts (such as reducing nesting bird habitat). In an approach to control the spread of Spartina, Ducks Unlimited Canada and the British Columbia Conservation Foundation are working towards mapping the extent of this grass over time throughout coastal BC.

In summer 2017, I joined this project as a GIS Field Technician. My primary tasks were to collaborate with my teammates to map the locations of Spartina plants throughout Port Moody, Delta, and Tsawwassen, BC. Equipped with GPS devices and iPhones, my daily task was to walk in transects throughout intertidal, mudflat, and salt marsh ecosystems and georeference the location of each plant. This was mainly done using the Collector and Survey123 apps and the BadElf accuracy device, and occasionally we collected waypoints with Garmin GPS devices. When collecting field data, the location of the plant as well as attribute information (eg. size) were recorded. We also flagged each plant so that we could return later to administer herbicide treatment.

Upon completion of the work-term we also compiled a formal report to outline the progress made throughout the summer and made suggestions to enhance future work.

Sample Report:


(please note that the results section has been removed for confidentiality)



2. UBC SEEDS Program- Mapping the Botanical Gardens


For this project I worked as part of a small team to map the assets at the UBC Botanical Gardens on the Vancouver campus. This was a new project and we were responsible for determining the most effective means of collecting and displaying data. Using the AshTech GPS, Rangefinder, and handheld Garmin GPS devices, we focused on mapping paths, trails, and features within the gardens. Using the collected data, we created new and informative maps for the gardens to use for planning and educational purposes.

At the end of each work term we complied a formal manual that outlined our progress made and provided guidance for future work.

Sample Report:
