Why Marketing to Seniors?

I’m fascinated by the growing seniors’ market. Growing up I was quite close with my grandparents and I spent a lot of time with them, especially as my one set both got sick and needed more care. I ended up spending a lot of time thinking about seniors, what products are available to them/designed for them, and how products are marketed to them. It’s a definite area of interest to me, especially because I see it as a real area for improvement as Boomers get older and swell the ranks of seniors used to high quality products specifically designed for their needs. This is a group who has adapted to using computers at home and at work but the way they interact with media is often different from generations who grew up with constant internet connectivity.

There are definite signs showing that there are opportunities for companies who can successfully figure out senior needs, how to target and deliver, in the form of increased revenues, as seen in this Rite Aid example. Important consideration must be taken into account though, such as reduced spending power and targeting seniors through health care plans, changing the focus of how to market. I’m interesting in exploring this further, especially through an online marketing lens.

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