Author Archives: emliving

Do Seniors Process Information Differently?

Paul Flowers, an veteran advertiser, posits that seniors respond to emotional factors first (then follow that up with data to rationalize it) and are less likely to make decisions based on factual analysis and research first – although they tend … Continue reading

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Senior Perception Bias

Some advertisers are starting to understand that people are inclined to want advertisements with people the resemble themselves. If you’re interested in that concept and how that plays out in making marketing decisions read the mirror neurons research in Buyology … Continue reading

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Real Time Example – CARP

In order to pursue this emerging market of online seniors I was interested to do a bit of a case study by doing a mini social media audit of a major senior’s organization to see how well they are doing … Continue reading

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Seniors and Social Media

Seniors are the fastest growing age group when it comes to social media – which makes sense since they have one of the lowest penetration rates currently. Statista has a great visual chart of the changing usage levels by age … Continue reading

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Why Marketing to Seniors?

I’m fascinated by the growing seniors’ market. Growing up I was quite close with my grandparents and I spent a lot of time with them, especially as my one set both got sick and needed more care. I ended up … Continue reading

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