An Emotional Emoji Retelling

Over the past 10 years, there has been a significant “emoji-boom” as emojis were implemented on many widely used cell-phones and systems. Even before the official emoji was created, instant messaging and texting would include emoticons to get your message across. 🙂 😛 :/ . These colon faces are used to add a tone to a text, similar to emojis.

Below, you can review the emoji synopsis of a well-known script/novel. Please review, and comment below if you recognize it.

I relied on both the symbols and the words to interpret the script. I used unicorn to symbolize majestic, instead of meaning “unicorn.” Each character is symbolized by different emojis as well, and I tried my best to make it clear, without giving away any character names. I chose to start with the title because it gives people the clearest chance to try and guess what it is. With this being said, unlike “Blade Runner” my title was extremely complex to create using emojis. I tried to simplify it as much as I could, but, with long titles with fictional words and names, it posed a challenge.

I did not waste too much time debating on which work to choose. I knew for a while that I wanted to choose a piece of work I am familiar with. Furthermore, because this is a piece of work I am rereading at the moment it is fresh in my mind. It is a work I am very familiar with and had a good idea of how I wanted to capture it using emojis.

5 Thoughts.

  1. Thanks for sharing your task Emma! Is it Harry Potter? You did a great job with the emoji’s! What program did you use? You have way more emoji’s than I have. I love it.

  2. Hi Emma,
    I really liked that you used text to show what meaning of the emoji you were trying to convey! I think this highlights the one downside of emojis – when looking at them without context they may mean different things. I would never have guessed you meant “majestic” with the unicorn symbol… so that tip helped a lot.

    That said, I would have guessed Harry Potter but not necessarily known which one you meant.
    Thanks for sharing 😀

  3. I promise I didn’t look at the other comments. I LOVE the way you represented HARRY POTTER!

    The use of words to explain the symbolism is great!


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