Harry Potter Fans – Linking Emoji Stories

For my first linking assignment, I wanted to compare the emoji stories of Christopher Lam’s (displayed on the left below) with my own (displayed on the right below). I wanted to compare the two because we both chose to tell the Harry Potter story using emojis.

Firstly, the title, I used “nerdy” “lightning bolt” to display Harry Potter, I also used emojis to show it is a book/movie. Instead, Christopher took a different approach, using “boy wizard” the “+” to indicate “and,” plus “wizard – infinity – diamond” to mean philosophers stone, which gives you eternal life. It was incredibly smart approach. Similar to mine, we went through the plot points and different scenes to describe the movie.

We both displayed our work as png files, as the blogs.ubc.ca did not allow most emojis to be published. Therefore, the results look very similar. Christopher’s approach with the multiple emojis is incredibly well done. Where I use words to help the emojis be interpreted, Christopher does not need them. He shows the different scenes with incredible perception and indicates Voldermort with “bad – snake – ghost – wizard – no – nose” every time throughout the script. Whereas I try to used 1-2 emojis to indicate characters, Christopher used 6, adding more clarification.

Throughout the script, Chris uses multiple emojis to indicate forests, celebrations, and more. It adds clarification and emphasis to different scenes. Christopher described his experience as “incredibly difficult” and began with the plot, my process was very similar, because as stated in my previous post, “my title was extremely complex to create using emojis.” Clearly, we both faced some challenges when creating our stories, but we responded with either more emojis (Christopher) or words (Me).

If Christopher and I were in a contest for who delivered the better emoji story, I would have to give it to him. His emojis tell the story clearly with an emphasis on the different plot points. As a fan, my only complaint is some of my favourite scenes were excluded, the sorting hat scene, the first sighting of the mirror of Erised, and the quidditch games. However, I am still in awe of his representation, and I remain very proud of myself for my interpretation too.

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