Hello world! This is my bag.

Hello, my name is Emma Pindera, and this is my bag.

Emma's Bag - Labelled

  1. I want to introduce you all to the bag first. This purse was a gift from my partner and is a nod to one of my favourite books, Harry Potter. This Slytherin branded bag brings me so much joy because of who gave it to me, as well as reminding me of all my first memories reading Harry Potter. Being 7 years old and reading those first few books with the innocent eyes of a child, and being genuinely surprised at every twist. “Mom! Dad! Wake up! Tom Riddle is Lord Voldemort!” – Emma Pindera Age 7,  10pm.
  2. The second item I want to discuss is the lanyard. This is a simple lanyard with the branding of my company, NAVBLUE, and allows me access to the office building. NAVBLUE is an aviation software company, and I am proud of what we do. It has not been needed in a few months, but it remains in the purse for when we return to the office.
  3. The third item is a pin to the Lanyard. It is difficult to see, but it says Pawnee Goddesses on it. This is a nod to Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation, one of my favourite TV shows of all time. It is a joke between my closest friends and family, that I am Leslie Knope, an incredibly driven, passionate, and hilarious fictional government employee. Although to be honest, she is just who I aspire to be. She is one of my fictional idols, because she is not only driven but has a real passion for using her position to help others and empower them and support them in their dreams. This pin was given to me from my best friend for “Galentine’s Day” a fictional Pawnee annual tradition, where Leslie Knope celebrates her female friends with brunch and gifts. The “Pawnee Goddesses” are essentially the girl scouts, led by Leslie Knope, and focused on empowering young women, with many fun activities.
  4. The fourth item are reusable tissues, I try to be environmentally conscious when I can be, and these can be washed after used. They come in a neat little pouch and are super hero themed, which I heavily enjoy.
  5. The ear muffs were in my bag, because it snowed this week, and I like to be prepared. Canadian seasons are rarely easy to predict, and I prefer dressing for the weather.
  6. A squeegee tool for my glasses, to keep them clean and smudge free.
  7. Two glasses cases, one for my glasses and one for my sunglasses.
  8. Umbrella for rain because, again, Canadian weather are unpredictable.
  9. A little Eau de toilette, perfume tester, for whenever I want to smell a little better.
  10. Scotch tape because I like to be prepared, but mostly because I forgot it was in there.
  11. Hand lotion, because my hands get dry with the winter and the hand washing. Lotion ensures my hands don’t dry up and bleed.
  12. Excel mints because gum makes my throat sore.
  13. Pens, just in case, I always seem to need one.
  14. Compact mirror, Disney themed, another one of my favourite things. This was a birthday gift from another good friend. Disney World and Disney movies featured a regular appearance throughout my childhood. In my teen years I was the owner of a “tumblr-famous” Disney blog for Disney fans with over 300 000 followers. Disney movies make me happy, sometimes empowering me, and although I don’t use this mirror often, I like knowing that it is there.
  15. Earphones tangled, but ready to use. I always keep these on hand in case there is ever need to listen to audio on my phone or laptop and I am in a public place.
  16. I keep Cetaphil face wipes in my purse on the mornings when I go to the gym first thing. It has been a while since I have been to the gym, because of COVID, but I do try stay as active as I can.

NOTE – This purse has been rarely used in the past few months. With COVID I travel with most of my items in my pockets. Hand Sanitizer, face mask, phone and wallet.

Although there are no specific “texts” in my bag, many of my items tell a story by referencing books, movies, and TV Shows that mean a lot to me. These references say that my friends know me very well and know what I love. They know that I am passionate about Harry Potter, Parks and Recreation, and Disney, because they all impacted me in some way or other. These items say I am a sucker for merchandise, but also how much I appreciate a good gift.

These items show that a lot of my connection to language and communication comes from media (books, TV, and movies). A lot of the language and communication I consume are scripted and have a very specific purpose. It also shows I have media literacy. However, there are also pens that show a more written literacy, for words, and the need to occasionally write something down.

I project an image of someone who is passionate about specific media, and sees themselves in different characters. I see myself as a Slytherin, because JK Rowling’s Pottermore website sorted me 10 years ago. I like to project myself as someone who is “ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented.” [1] I also see myself as a Leslie Knope-wannabe, seeking her passion, drive and caring that makes her loved by her friends and accomplishes so many great initiatives.

15 years ago, I was 10 going on 11 years old, this bag would probably have had the latest Harry Potter book inside of it. It would have been filled to the brim with school items, colouring pencils, and highlighters and notebooks. I am still a student, but now all of my notes are in my phone and laptop, cloud-based so that I can access my courses anywhere.

If someone from the future viewed my bag, they may not guess I am currently living through the COVID pandemic. I rarely carry any bag because I don’t have many places to go. They may also question the references to different media, as well as the collection of items all together, and how they are used together. They may not see how they relate to each other, or even how personal and sentimental some of these items are to me.

I love this bag and the items in it because they bring me so much joy. I think it is interesting that many of the items have a story behind them. I define myself with these stories, and the items behind them.

[1] “Slytherin.” Harry Potter Wiki, harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Slytherin.

3 Thoughts.

  1. Hey Emma,
    Kinda obsessed with the amount of cool pop culture references in this single bag! It’s such an aesthetic way to show the things you enjoy and care about. I’m curious to know where a lot of these came from? Did you seek them out? Were they gifts? Were they part of other related pop culture experiences?

    I can totally see the sentimentality to them all though. Absolutely beautiful.

    • All of them were gifts, thanks for asking. I think they were bought either at Hot Topic or online. To me it’s not just about the pop culture references, but also the people who gave them to me that make them meaningful.

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