How to Change the World One Blog Post at a Time

Guy Kawasaki’s blog, How to Change the World, offers a unique insight on the business world. In his most recent blog, What I learned from Steve Jobs, Guy elaborates on Steve’s twelve most influential lessons. My favorite is Design Counts. In this tip he labels Steve as a perfectionist. “Steve drove people nuts with his design demands—some shades of black weren’t black enough. Mere mortals think that black is black, and that a trash can is a trash can.” In the business world, being a perfectionist is key. The product you deliver not only resembles the company but it resembles you. So, why wouldn’t you want to put your best self out there? Brand image is everything to customers and they are more willing to purchase the product that looks more appealing to them. Steve Jobs has accomplished just that with his sense of innovative design. Guy Kawasaki’s full blog is not only interesting but it adds fascinating perspectives to the business world.

Picture from: Apple Alumnus Guy Kawasaki Talks About what he Learned Working with Steve Jobs at Apple

Something to Keep Up With

What do you think of when you hear the name Kardashians? Keeping Up with the Kardashians, spoiled, rich, and dramatic? However, when I think of this family, I think businesswomen. Kim, Kourtney, and Khole certainly know how to make money. According to The Kardashian’s Officially Launch Their Sears Kollection in NYC–And It’s Already Selling Out, the three women are plan on making quite a profit on their Kardashian Kollection for Sears during their first year. Rumor has it that they will earn 200 to 300 million! They even plan on taking this business venture to Europe. In addition to their new line, the three sisters own DASH, a high end boutique. It is no surprise that they have done well, they have learned from the best, Kris Jenner.

The Kardashians have been so success that who knew Kim could make money off her “special” wedding day. This article tells us that she and her now divorced husband made a whopping 17.9 million on their wedding. This so called love seemed more like a business deal than it did a real wedding.

-A two-part TV special on E!: $15 million.
-Sale of wedding photos to People: $2.5 million.
-Sale of rights to engagement announcement to People: $300,000.
-Sale of rights of bridal shower photos to OK!: $100,000.
-Having the bachelorette party at Tao Las Vegas: $50,000.

It may not matter how the Kardashians make their money, whether it be in innovation fashion lines or off weddings, they certainly have a knack for the business life. We must “keep up” with them to find out what this trio will do next.

Pictures from: Kardashian Kollection Launch Party and Kim Kardashian & Kris Humphries $1.5 Million Wedding Photos Reveal [Photo]

Canada is the Target

This article discusses that Target has been contemplating moving their stores into Canada. Target has done exceptionally in the United States and wonders if the company will be able to do just as well in a new country. This has been a big debate for quite awhile. This article states that Target recently bought out 1.8 billion dollars of Zellers. Marketers believe that Target will have to change their line of products to compare to the current competition. I predict that the company will continue to provide Canadian products but in addition, supply the items that can only be found in the States. Current Zellers customers who plan on shopping at Target will have to get used to higher end products as well as a full grocery store. I believe Target is making a fabulous decision in coming to Canada. This well known company will have an advantage over their competitors because of their reputation in the United States. There is also no reason that Target will have to worry about attracting new customers. In addition to excited Canadians, there are many Americans living in Canada that will turn to Target for their shopping.

Please follow this link to a video: Target to buy Zellers leases

Picture from: Target Canada

Response to Adelle Tepper’s “Starbucks Plans Health Stores”

Adelle blogs about Starbucks’ next step in the business world. According to the article, Starbucks buys juice company, plans health stores, the coffee company spent 30 million dollars, in cash, on Evolution Fresh, a juice company. I agree with Adelle when she says that this is a strategy and not a tactic. Starbucks is thinking about their “long term success” rather than what will happen in the short run. CEO Howard Shultz says, “Even though this is a small acquisition in size, it’s a significant strategic decision and direction for the company.” By investing in a healthy option, Starbucks is widening their already large target market. This transaction is letting the world know that they are capable of catering to a variety of people, not just those who enjoy coffee. I believe that this strategy will be very successful for Starbucks. It will not only help their brand image, but it will bring in more customers with money.

Please follow this link to a video: Starbucks Pushes Into Juice

Picture and video from: Latest Starbucks Concoction: Juice

Canine Chic

Ever thought that sunglasses were just for people? Well, you thought wrong. Doggles, goggles for dogs, act as an eyewear protector. These sturdy yet fashionable goggles protect your dog from everyday objects such as ultra violet rays and wind. The mindless idea for dog goggles sparked a million dollar entrepreneurship. “‘People started to contact me to make pairs for their dogs for all sorts of reasons,’ she says, ‘and that’s when I realized there was a glaring need for a product like this.’” The amount of wealth created was astronomical. In 2009, about 45.5 million dollars were spent on pet products. An amazing three million dollars of the 45.5 were spent on Doggles. Unlike a small business, this company was able to generate a profit worth millions of dollars. Due to the current recession, a product such as Doggles seems unnecessary and a waste of money. However, since 2009, the market for this product is on the rise. In addition to goggles, innovative Doggles has expanded their line to toys, flotation jackets, and pet necklaces. Their innovative ideas provide them with a leading advantage.

Picture from: Annual 100 Brilliant Ideas

In Response to Kasra Azodi’s “A Smart Investment?”

Kasra blogs about an article that ask a fundamental question that many companies face. “Are eco-friendly products a good and profitable investment?” I agree not only with Kasra, but also with many large corporations. For example, Nokia has been working towards a goal to decrease their environmental footprint. “We have a user base of more than one billion people which means that we have a unique opportunity to make an impact that goes beyond our own activities. That’s why we aim to offer people products and solutions that help them make sustainable choices. Together, we can achieve more.” Sustainable Revenue Growth states that even though Nokia claims to be bettering the world with their eco-friendly and sustainable products, they are also trying to increase their revenue. Displaying a sustainable brand image is Nokia’s solution to retaining customer loyalty and increasing profits. Many companies are pressured to abide by the sustainable duties: economical, social, and environmental. I believe each and every corporation has a responsibility to keep the world happy. But many beg to differ, saying money is a company’s only successful end result. In Nokia’s win-win situation, they have been able to better the world while their revenue benefits.

Picture from: Nokia

Can Google Music Compete with iTunes?

Google Said to Add Social Element for Music states that in just a matter of days now, Google is planning on launching an MP3 site. Google music will be competing with iTunes and even for music lovers. However, Google’s new MP3 store will be linked to social media. This “facebook” like site will enable users to connect with friends about what music they like and especially what music to purchase from Google.

Google Music

Unfortunately, Google may find some issues with Google Music. “But it is possible the store could open with a very limited selection of songs for sale, since Google’s negotiations with the major record companies have proceeded slowly.” Sony and Universal Studios are not planning on signing a deal with Google.


It is very possible that Google will have another unforeseen issue. There is the chance that they will not be able to compete with iTunes. iTunes sells to a large group. If can Google Music can offer something more unique to their target market, then they might have a chance of succeeding in the market. I am interested to see how their social media aspect plays into their success since iTunes has something similar, Ping.

Pictures from: Inside Google Music [PICS] and iTunes


The Price of Lost Service

According to RIM unleashes first free app to compensate for outage, last week Blackberry users dealt with a service outage that lasted a couple of days. This left customers with difficulty with texting, using the internet, and e-mailing. This mishap left Blackberry customers complaining. As a result, Blackberry is offering a number of free apps to consumers until the end of the year.

It is hard to know whether or not this is a smart or a foolish decision. Free apps, who would not like that? But realistically, can Blackberry afford to give away hundreds of dollars to customers for the rest of the year? I personally believe the way Blackberry is responding to this situation is in their best nature. Blackberry may be sacrificing some profits but in return they are promoting their business. They are increasing their customer satisfaction by making up for their mistakes. Blackberry could potentially be bringing new customers who intend to switch to Blackberry for the free apps. For customers who were not really affected by the outage, well, they are doing just fine with the free apps.

Please follow this link to a video: Video: RIM offers free apps to soothe backlash

Picture from: FullTiltPitch

Video from: RIM offers free apps to soothe backlash and Blackberry Rocks!

Do Blondes Really Make More Money?

Often times people associate blonde haired women with being ditzy and clueless. In Blondes paid more than other women Nick Collins writes about the facts that disprove this generalization. A study in Economics Letters states that on average women in Britain make £22,000 a year and blondes make an additional £1,600. This seems like it could just be a coincidence. This article lacks enough evidence to really convince me. After feeling skeptical about the results from this reading, I took a look at another article: Blondes Earn More Than Brunettes And Redheads, Says Study. Studies show that blondes earn $35,650, brunettes earn $34,780, and redheads earn $34,380. Even though this article gives more information about the subject, I am still not completely convinced. I would be interested to know whether or not studies in the United States of America and Canada depict similar results. Maybe then my views will change.

Picture from: Blondes Have More Funds

Making Some Green by Being Green (Business Ethics)

Making some green by being green states that businesses “going green” are making a larger profit due to their admirable actions. PostNet, a packing and shipping company, asks their customers to return used packing peanuts so that they can be reused for future customers. Similarly, Rapid Refill, a company that sells printing supplies, asks their customers to give back empty ink cartridges so they can refill them for future cartridges. By recycling old products, PostNet and Rapid Refill are able to reduce waste. As a result, both companies are earning a higher profit.

The main ethical issue for these two companies is the idea of being environmentally friendly. By recycling old products companies are able to produce less, cause less waste, and therefore gain a profit. Companies like PostNet and Rapid Refill find an ethical satisfaction in their actions because they know they are helping to clean up the earth. In return they are saving and making more money in the end. As a consumer, I am more likely to support a company that supports the earth.

Picture from: Rapid Refill