How to Change the World One Blog Post at a Time

Guy Kawasaki’s blog, How to Change the World, offers a unique insight on the business world. In his most recent blog, What I learned from Steve Jobs, Guy elaborates on Steve’s twelve most influential lessons. My favorite is Design Counts. In this tip he labels Steve as a perfectionist. “Steve drove people nuts with his design demands—some shades of black weren’t black enough. Mere mortals think that black is black, and that a trash can is a trash can.” In the business world, being a perfectionist is key. The product you deliver not only resembles the company but it resembles you. So, why wouldn’t you want to put your best self out there? Brand image is everything to customers and they are more willing to purchase the product that looks more appealing to them. Steve Jobs has accomplished just that with his sense of innovative design. Guy Kawasaki’s full blog is not only interesting but it adds fascinating perspectives to the business world.

Picture from: Apple Alumnus Guy Kawasaki Talks About what he Learned Working with Steve Jobs at Apple

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