
Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
Virtual Roundtables 

Preparing for the end of the world as we know it:
Implications and challenges for education and social innovation

14 October to 18 November
Wednesdays 11:00 – 13:00 PST// 14:00 – 16:00 pm EST// 20:00- 22:00 pm Sweden


  Themes Prep materials Speakers
14 Oct


Introduction: Education and social Innovation
facing the end of the world as we know it 
The great unraveling? Vanessa Andreotti and
Dan McCarthy
21 Oct


Indigenous critiques:
from colonial entitlements to relational accountabilities
Sacred instructions podcast Elwood Jimmy and
Mackenzie Lespérance
28 Oct


Another end of the world is possible:
why it is important to have collapse on the discussion table
For French speakers:
How everything can collapse
For English speakers:
Book except En
Post Doom
Sarah Amsler and
Will Valley
4 Nov


Negotiating the surrender of our way of living: the need for sobriety The end of ESCAPE

Alcoholism and poetry

Dougald Hine and
Felix Marquardt
11 Nov


Health and wellbeing as aging and dying well with maturity and accountability Cartographies of aging Sonali Balajee and
Barb Wall
18 Nov


Po-ethic readings:
facing the end of the world as we know it
Denise Ferreira
da Silva’s interview
“An end to THIS world”
Denise Silva and
Valentina Desideri
Virtual Roundtable Response Surveys:

Roundtable 1:

Roundtable 2:

Roundtable 3:

Roundtable 4:

Roundtable 5:

Roundtable 6:


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