Unit 2 Reflections

Reflection on LinkedIn Profiles:
As someone with a biology background who is also entering the computer science field, I know the importance of a LinkedIn profile, but never got around to setting one up. For that reason alone, I am thankful for this assignment. In terms of the profile creation and networking practices, I found the initial research step to be incredibly useful. Some tips that stood out were the URL customization and course accomplishments. I do not think that I would have considered those options without first researching best practices for the LinkedIn platform. The process of peer reviewing a LinkedIn profile was also beneficial to improving my LinkedIn profile. While going over Jen’s profile, I learned the importance of a unique summary. Since LinkedIn automatically populates and organizes many fields, the summary is one of the few places that allow for self-expression which can be crucial when recruiters look at a profile. Overall, I am thankful for the LinkedIn assignment and eager to start making more professional connections.

Reflection on Formal Report Proposal and Outline:
The process for brainstorming a topic for the formal report proposal and outline was more difficult that anticipated. I wanted the issue to be relatively accessible for investigation while also being mindful of safety concerns due to the current global pandemic. Interviews and surveys would be conducted through online applications, but site-visits and in-person inquiries would be avoided, ruling out potential topics in a previous biology co-op lab. I ultimately settled on investigating if shelf-label accuracy and efficiency could be improved at a Shoppers Drug Mart location. Looking forward to the report itself, the length of 12 – 15 pages seems daunting; however, I have already started thinking of alternative methods to fill in space, likely using a variety of figures and generated graphs with interview and survey data. I think the largest concern I have regarding the formal report will be its applicability. The pandemic will severely limit the potential data that I gather which may impact the results and conclusion that I draw from the data.

Reflection on Peer Review Process:
Since the unit one reflection, I have learned many techniques for both my writing and the peer review process. I learned to avoid pronouns (barring reflections), incorporate details by referencing specific examples, and improve my writing tone and suggestive ability by replacing imperative verbs with ones that end in “ing”. I have also learned to better organize the peer review document by increasing the use of bullet points and adding a summary list of suggested edits to improve readability and convenience for readers and the original writer. The peer reviewing process has certainly improved my writing, most likely in terms of refinement. My previous revision process consisted of simply looking for errors in flow and grammar, but has since expanded to consider organization, tone, use of positives, and more. All in all, I think my writing style remains concise, for which I am glad.

301 Jonathan Ho Revised Report Proposal

Peer Review of Original Proposal

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